Clean-in-place procedure restores flux and rate of water purification of used reverse osmosis membranes. During operation, RO membranes are clogged with mineral (scaling), organic (fouling) and microbial (biofilm) deposits.
Kapaciteti depërtues
Maximum TDS
Kërkesa për rrjedhje ndikuese
Presioni operimit
Konsumi i energjisë
Clean-in-place procedure restores flux and rate of water purification of used reverse osmosis membranes. During operation, RO membranes are clogged with mineral (scaling), organic (fouling) and microbial (biofilm) deposits.
Before CIP, the reverse osmosis system must be stopped, and the CIP unit’s feed and return ports must be connected to the membrane vessel’s feed, brine, and permeate ports. Cleaning solution tank is filled with purified water and the required quantity of cleaning chemical. The resulting solution is mixed, then circulated through the membrane vessel, while controlling pH, temperature, and color of the solution carefully.
Most cleaning protocols require first applying caustic cleaner, then acid cleaner.
The unit is also used to fill the membrane vessel with preservative solution when the RO system is shut down for an extended downtime.
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